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Welcome to the Watcher community

Log-in if you are a community member.

To become a member you need to do the following

  1. Register at https://comserve-it-services.de and wait for the registration approval email, that will be sent to you.
  2. 'buy' a Watcher donation in the online shop
  3. Use PayPal for the payment
  4. You will get a legal bill with a bill ID
  5. Return to this page and log-in with the user name by which you have registered in step 1
  6. Use the bill ID from the bill as initial password.

I recommend, that you change the password after successful login

With this 2-way process community members are save from any SPAM.
Your membership in the Watcher community is automated by the
donatio, that you have 'bought' in the online shop.But the transition
can take up to an hour as this runs every full hour.

Need help?

For anonymous guests there is a little public information that you can
pick from the menu above.

In case of troubles with the registration process use the 'Contact Form'
to notify us about your troubles.

