
Welcome to the Watcher support area

To take advantage log-in.
If logged-in you have the following opportunities:

  1. Read the FAQ

  2. Talk in a forum to other users to get help or help others

  3. Write 'articles' to share your experience

  4. Create a support ticket in case of any trouble

As a 'guest user' you may read the concepts document here:
Public Wiki

How to get Watcher?

Watcher is ' donation ware' and you can get your copy for a 'symbolic price' straight from the shop

  1. Register on the shop site

  2. Order the Watcher package and drop your donation by paying with PayPal.

  3. You will get a formal invoice in PDF format with the download link in the PDF document.

  4. Just click on the download link in the PDF document ...

  5. The registration to the support area is automatic

  6. If you get your registration notification for the support site by email. Click on the link in this email and supply your password in the dialog. After this you can login to the support area.

All these endeavours are made to keep trolls, spammers, scammers and other badfingers out of the Watcher community.

Need more information?

The official documentation is publicly available at the main site: