# # - MailPre.conf - # Configuration file for MailPre pseudo-module # #--------- Custom section ... Edit below ------------------- # Geo tracking (per module) ... # Set to a NON_EMPTY_STRING to enable GEOTRACK=true # Set TRACE to a # NON-EMPTY STRING # to get tracing; e.g. 'yes', 'cheerio' or whatever .. # Setting TRACE to an empty string 'TRACE=' disables tracing. TRACE=do # # Maximum number of attempt before attackers get a DROP # into the firewall # MAX_AFFAIRS=5 # Time slice for the blocking in the timed ipset 'tarpit' # # This value is internally multiplied with the number of 'affairs' # # The blocking scheme is logarithmic as '2^AFFAIRS'; i.e. # # the factor to TIME_SLICE doubles with every affair resulting # # in 2,4,8,16,32 minutes blocking, if TIME_SLICE is set to 60s # # (1 minute) # # Setting it to 300 (5 minutes) results in # # 10, 20, 40, 80 (1h20m) minutes blocking # # Setting it to 600 (10 minutes) results in # # 20, 40, 80 (1h20m), 160 (2h40m), 320 (5h20m) blocking # # Default: 60 seconds TIME_SLICE=60 # # Expiration: # Setting for 'ExpireMX' to expire (delete) in the # database and dynamically removing entries from the firewall # EXPIRATIONDAYS=30 # Want compressed 'filter' # # Set to a non-empty for compressed filter # # Setting it to 'COMPRESS_FILTER=' avoids compression COMPRESS_FILTER=yes # You may specify here a command in your PATH to detect # a 'dynamic IP' to be ignored. The command must return # a plain IP address to be ignored by the Watcher module #DYN_CMD=MyFritzBox #DYN_CMD="dig +short @$DYN_PROVIDER $DYN_ADDRESS" DYN_CMD="cat $LOG_DIR/DYN_IP" #--------- Custom section ... [END] ------------------- ######################################### # DON'T CHANGE anything below ... ######################################### MODULE=MailPre THIS_TYPE=MailPre # TABLE=mailpre DB="$TABLE.db" SQL="sqlite3 $TABLE.db" LOG=$LOG_DIR/$MODULE.log PIPE=$FIFO_BASE/$MODULE # IPset ... MYSET=$MODULE-DB SETTYP="hash:net" SETOPTS="comment counters"