# # - GeoTrack.conf - # Individual settings for the module #-------------- Custom section ------------------------ # Set to a non-empty string to enable the GeoTrack (pseudo-)module # to disable set 'ENABLED=' ENABLED=yes GEOCOUNT=do COUNTPGM=GeoCount-cop # The list of zones to be blocked # ZONES="cn ru by kp er" ZONES='cn ru kp by er br in za ir eg et' # # Set 'TRACE' to a _NON_EMPTY_STRING_ # to turn tracing 'on' to WatchLG.trace # in the module directory # TRACE=doit # Number of maximum affairs before culprit gets a # permanent DROP in the firewall. # Default: 5 MAX_AFFAIRS=5 # +++ NOT IMPLEMENTED YET +++ # Scheme of blocking in the timed ipset 'tarpit' # Can be 'lin' for linear or 'log' for logarithmic # Default is 'lin' if not set to 'log' BLOCK_SCHEME=log # +++ NOT IMPLEMENTED YET +++ # Time slice for the blocking in the timed ipset 'tarpit' # This value is internally multiplied with the number of # 'affairs' if BLOCK_SCHEME is 'lin' (linear); i.e. it calculates # to 'BLOCK_SLICE * affairs' resulting in 1,2,3,4...$MAX_AFFAIRS # times the BLOCK_SLICE value # If BLOCK_SCHEME is 'log' BLOCK_SLICE is multiplied # by '2^affairs' resulting in 1,2,4,8,16,... minutes blocking time # with increasing affairs. # Default: 60 seconds BLOCK_SLICE=60 # Number of days when an entry in the DB expires # (used by the 'ExpireXX' program of the module) # Call 'ExpireXX' regularly from crontab # e.g.: # 0 0 * * 0 $INSTALLPATH/modules//ExpireXX # EXPIRATIONDAYS=1 # # Track for own router # #DYN_CMD=MyFritzBox # #DYN_CMD="dig +short @$DYN_PROVIDER $DYN_ADDRESS" DYN_CMD="cat $LOG_DIR/DYN_IP" #-------------- Custom section [END] --------------------- ##################################### # DON'T CHANGE anything below ... ##################################### MODULE=GeoTrack THIS_TYPE=geotrack # DB basics ... TABLE=geotrack DB=$TABLE.db SQL="sqlite3 $DB" # Logging ... LOG=$LOG_DIR/$MODULE.log PIPE=$FIFO_BASE/$MODULE # IPSET basics ... MYSET=$MODULE"-DB" SETTYP="hash:net" SETOPTS="comment"