function is_ip4 (addr, i,x) { x=split(addr,parts,".") if (x != 4) { return "Nope!" } for (i=1; i<=x; i++) { if ( parts[i] < 0 || parts[i] >255 ) { return "Nope!" } } return "IP4" } # # Return decimal value of an IPv4 addr # function ip2dec (addr) { num=0 x=split(addr,parts,".") for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { pot=256^(4-i) num=num+(pot*parts[i]) } return num } # # Return binary representation of a decimal number # With 'len' specified the bin-string is padded with # zeroes on the left # function num2bin (num,len, bitstr) { bitstr="" while (num >0 ) { bitstr=num%2 bitstr num=rshift(num,1) len-- } while (len-- > 0) {bitstr="0" bitstr} return bitstr } function num2ip (number) { mask=0xFF000000 part[1]=rshift(and(number, mask), 24) mask=rshift(mask,8) part[2]=rshift(and(number, mask), 16) mask=rshift(mask,8) part[3]=rshift(and(number, mask), 8) mask=rshift(mask,8) part[4]=and(number, mask) ipstr=part[1] for (i=2; i<=4; i++) { ipstr=ipstr "." part[i] } return ipstr } # # Return an IP v4 addr in 32-bit binary representation # function ip2bin (addr) { return num2bin(ip2dec(addr),32) } function bin2dec (binstr, len) { number=0 p=len=length(binstr) for (i=0; i0 is returned # Examples: cidrmatch (, # ... will match (return 1) # cidrmatch (, # ... will fail (return 0) ######################################################### function cidrmatch (ipaddr,cidrmask, cnet,cmsk,mask) { split(cidrmask,parts,"/") cnet=parts[1] cmsk=int(parts[2]) if ( (cmsk < 8) || (cmsk >32) ) return 0 else mask=2^(32-cmsk)-1 # Turn to decimals for the sake of handling decip = ip2dec(ipaddr) # Decimal client address decnet = ip2dec(cnet) # Decimal CIDR network bcast=decnet+mask # Decimal broadcast address # Catch Point-2-Point on broadcast addr # i.e. verify '<=' if ( (decip > decnet) && (decip <= bcast) ) return 1 else return 0 } ############################################################################ # CIDR # Return CIDR for a given network and broadcast address # e.g. from whois ('NetRange:' [ARIN] or 'inetnum:' [other providers] ############################################################################ function cidr (net,bcast, n,b,i,prefix) { n=ip2bin(net) b=ip2bin(bcast) #print n, length(n) #print b, length(b) # Careful, awk's substr uses a 1-based index # this takes a counter (here 'prefix') that counts from '0' prefix=0 for ( i=1; i<=32; i++) { if ( substr(n,i,1) != substr(b,i,1)) break; prefix++ } if ( i > 32 ) print "" else print net "/" prefix } function cidr2(net,bcast, n,b,i,prefix) { n=ip2bin(net) b=ip2bin(bcast) prefix=0 for ( i=1; i<=32; i++) { if ( substr(n,i,1) != substr(b,i,1)) break; prefix++ } if ( i > 32 ) print "" else print net "/" prefix > "/dev/stdout" }